'Untitled 1' (2024)

45 x 61 cm

Charcoal and Pastel on Newsprint

'Untitled 2' (2024)

61 x 45 cm

Charcoal and Pastel on Newsprint

'Untitled 3' (2024)

61 x 45 cm

Charcoal and Pastel on Newsprint

'Untitled 4' (2024)

45 x 61 cm

Charcoal and Pastel on Newsprint

‘Pig’ is a satirization of the Statue of Liberty, and works as a critique of the United States’ imperialism in Latin America, which has been a key factor in the decay of democracy in the region.

'Pig' (2022)

90 x 250 cm

Red, Black and Blue Ink on Paper

As the housing crisis in Toronto worsens, this piece looks to highlight the willful ignorance people have towards unhoused people, and the refusal to deal with this issue directly.

'Death of a Neighbour' (2022)

180 cm x 68 cm

Oil pastel on paper

Based on my experiences as a little girl in Latin America, this piece reflects the fear and anxiety that is instilled to girls at a very young age. The feeling of being watched both literally and figuratively is present in this work.

'The Walk Home' (2022)

58 x 84 cm

Black Ink on Paper

Existing only to serve and provide for other people without any regard to one's self can cause the decay in many people's character. The dark atmosphere of this piece looks to recreate this feeling, with an unsettling backdrop to amplify this sensation.

'March of the Lamp Post' (2023)

29 x 34 cm

Black Ink on Paper

'Interruption' works as a self-portrait, through which I represent myself with different styles and techniques. With this piece I want to reflect the complexities of being a person, and that no feeling is one-dimensional.

'Interruption' (2022)

23 x 30 cm

Black Ink on Paper

Serving as both an homage to my late cat, as well as a surrealist take on my relationship with grief. Through the juxtaposition of the cat's head to the romantic style fountain surrounding it, this piece creates a tender atmosphere.

'Virtute' (2023)

15 x 22 cm

Black Ink on Paper

'3 Mujeres' or '3 Women' in English is a critique of the depiction of Latin American women in the media, as a reflection on how disregarded women’s identities are, when separate from their physical appearance.

'3 Mujeres' (2022)
24 x 24 cm

Watercolour and Black Ink on Paper

'Las Cabras' or 'The Goats' in English looks to highlight the willing ignorance of powerful figures to the crises that surround them. Oftentimes they look to focus on smaller details in order to derail actual productive conversations for their benefit.

'Las Cabras' (2022)

46 x 56 cm

Pink and Black Ink on Paper

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